Rachel offers a number of ways to work with clients:

  • Ongoing therapy for clients desiring longer term support.
  • Single one-off sessions for anyone feeling just a bit ... stuck.
  • Membership that offers an intimate community where members get TWO group calls with Rachel each month & access to online community.
  • Training Bundles where you can access themed trainings on a number of topics. Instant access to all trainings in bundle.
  • Self-Guided DIY Emotional Potty Training for Adults Course
  • COMING 2024: Live workshops offered quarterly where you can be in the room as Rachel delivers her training with practical steps to take on your own journey. Opportunity for Q & A as well as any applicable workbooks.
  • Free content! Rachel routinely shares short form videos full of helpful tips on Instagram and TikTok. Her email list receives weekly emails that often have applicable tips at no cost. 

See information below for more!



Partnering Together for Your Mental Health

If you are looking for ongoing work with a therapist who cares and takes a different approach to mental health, click below to learn more and apply today!


See What One Session Can Change for You

We will use 50 minutes to tune into where you are stuck and suffering, where you need healing. You'll leave feeling seen and inspired to heal with a concrete plan, an actionable map of where and HOW you need to focus.

I will help you understand yourself and provide many recommendations and resources (audio and video) so you can take our single session and build on it toward a lifetime practice of self-care and well-being.


Partnering Together for Your Mental Health

If you are looking for ongoing work with a therapist who cares and takes a different approach to mental health, click below to learn more and apply today!


See What One Session Can Change for You

We will use 50 minutes to tune into where you are stuck and suffering, where you need healing. You'll leave feeling seen and inspired to heal with a concrete plan, an actionable map of where and HOW  you need to focus.

I will help you understand yourself and provide many recommendations and resources (audio and video) so you can take our single session and build on it toward a lifetime practice of self-care and well-being.

How do you know if this therapy is right for you?

You're stuck.

You're suffering.

You've tried to heal yourself.

You've tried to learn to love yourself, yet you still feel like you're your own harshest critic.

You're still struggling either in relationships or at work.

You're still afraid that if people knew you well enough, and really saw all of you, that they might not love or accept you.

The challenges you're facing may be in any arena of your life because how we do anything is how we do everything.

Let me help you. 

This is why I'm here.

* Appointments must be rescheduled within 48 hours of the designated time. Last-minute cancellations will not be refunded.



Be In Community

Looking to surround yourself with others like you who are actively prioritizing their healing and personal development? Look no further than The Feelings Movement Membership! Each month we have TWO live calls where members share and get to interact in real time with Rachel as well as the rest of the community. Peer support, encouragement and community - come get it!


Self-Paced Healing, Targeted Topics

Choose from any number of pre-recorded bundles to dive deep into each of the topics that most pertain to your healing! Instant access and each training is an hour long!


DIY Emotional Potty Training for Adults

Get instant access to the course that guides you through Rachel's process for how to heal with emotional potty-training for adults! Learn to feel your feelings and live a dynamic life!


Be In Community

Looking to surround yourself with others like you who are actively prioritizing their healing and personal development? Look no further than The Feelings Movement Membership! Each month we have TWO live calls where members share and get to interact in real time with Rachel as well as the rest of the community. Peer support, encouragement and community - come get it!


Self-Paced Healing, Targeted Topics

Choose from any number of pre-recorded bundles to dive deep into each of the topics that most pertain to your healing! Instant access and each training is an hour long!


DIY Emotional Potty Training for Adults

Get instant access to the course that guides you through Rachel's process for how to heal with emotional potty-training for adults! Learn to feel your feelings and live a dynamic life!


"Finding a therapist who I connect with, who has enough life experience to not be shocked by mine, and who actually helps me help myself has been a gift that I hold onto so dearly. In the years that I have worked with Rachel, I have been able to shed so many pounds of armor, while also walking into my deepest fears. I haven’t learned how to not hurt, but I have learned that it is okay to feel hurt. It is okay to feel happy. It is okay to feel. It is simple and has been so incredible."

- Client E.I.

"In a very supportive environment Rachel in no small way was a guide, based on her own experiences, helping me navigate the passage that reunited me with my own wounded child, which eventually would lead to my integrating that wounded child into my adult self, thus facilitating my healing. In my humble opinion, Rachel Kaplan is rare among therapists in that she possesses not merely the academic training, but far more importantly, the empathy and insight that allowed me to at long last overcome a complex of issues that had plagued me for a lifetime."

- Client R.G.

G E T   I N   T O U C H

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Rachel Kaplan is a licensed psychotherapist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area for almost two decades. She offers one-off sessions booked via her website, or ongoing therapy to clients on an application basis.  MFT License #49838.



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